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14 Mile Monday & City Sunsets

August 22, 2011

This weekend was a busy one, from a sleepover/reunion at my college friend’s house in NJ, to racing around the streets of Manhattan for the Great Urban Race, and escaping to serene Glen Cove, Long Island Saturday night and Sunday. And I’d tell you all about it, except I dropped my camera in the sand (fail) and it’s currently being repaired. Since I have no pictures to show at the moment…I’ll talk about tonight’s run.

This week is also pretty busy between early morning doctor’s appointments, office summer party (hello, open bar!), and going out for two birthdays Thursday and Friday. Many late nights of fun lead to little desire to get in morning runs.

Since I’ve got 50 miles planning this week, I knew I’d have to be a bit flexible to come close to hitting it. So I knocked out my long run tonight after work. It was peaceful and serene to watch the sun set. While that meant running home with my phone in hand, it also meant I could capture the sun seting as I ran.

Oh hi, East're peaceful

I see you, Statue of Liberty!

I ran from my office in Midtown East, down the East River path, around the tip of Manhattan, through Battery Park City, up the Hudson River path, and added on a bit in Riverside Park to finish at my apartment.

My favorite spot in Battery Park City

14 miles; 7:41 pace.

I felt pretty good breathing-wise and was never working too hard, but my legs starting getting tight and heavy around mile 9, especially in my upper calves. I stopped a few times to take the above photos, for water, and a bathroom break (note to self: do not eat high fiber cereal 1.5 hours before you run...) 🙂

Tonight, I decided I’m glad I quit running with the iPod for a bit. I was using it as a silly crutch/distraction I didn’t need. Running alone with the sound of my feet hitting the pavement meant I wasn’t too distracted by the jams of Lady Gaga and Pitbull to take in the views.

I’m sure NYC wouldn’t top the list of “most scenic runs” in the world, or even that I’ve done, but on nights like tonight I have to admit the skyline was pretty darn spectacular.

What’s the most scenic run you’ve done, or place you’ve been? How do you deal with fitting in your mileage amidst a busy week?

7 Comments leave one →
  1. August 22, 2011 11:01 pm

    Hmmm – well, when I was a nanny in Italy, I ran there as I had just been running for about 4 months and didn’t want to lose what I’d gained (which, at the time, was like running 3-4 miles!). Running in Sardinia and at the base of Mont Blanc (albeit at altitude and tough) was very scenic.

    When I have a busy week, I try to focus on what I am able to do rather than what I’m not able to do (the latter stresses me out).

  2. August 23, 2011 8:10 am

    ahh so pretty! And great run! Last night (and this morning) was gorgeous! The most scenic, amazing run I’ve had was in San Francisco up to and along the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise. It was beyond and I loved it so much.

    I think being a morning runner helps me fit it all in, for sure!

  3. August 23, 2011 9:48 am

    Gorgeous photos! Nice job on the miles 🙂

    Hmm my most scenic run was probably in Moab, Utah in Arches National Park. Amazing sunrise run!

  4. August 23, 2011 1:07 pm

    Kudos! I wish I could do a long run without my iPod. It would feel like having my legs cut off I think.

  5. August 23, 2011 10:29 pm

    Nice pics! I went through a phase right after graduating college where I grew attached to running with my ipod. I’m glad I got past that. It is nice once and awhile, but I find it much better for focusing on your run and also thinking sans music. Most scenic route that comes to mind is Acadia National Park in Maine!

  6. August 24, 2011 12:34 am

    I know some people wouldn’t call the skyline in the city one of the prettiest runs out there, but I happen to think it’s quite nice! Even your camera phone can capture it, which definitely says something.

    Running in Colorado was quite pretty, and across the Golden Gate Bridge in SF was awesome. Maybe I do like city running better…

  7. marathon winer permalink
    August 24, 2011 12:30 pm

    those photos are AMAZING. as an UWS gal, i’m SO intrigued when i see photos of the east river path…HOW DO I GET ONTO IT?!?! what do you recommend for someone completely clueless when it comes to east side running??

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