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August 31, 2010

I am beat! Last night’s run went surprisingly well. I did a total of 9.3, with a 6 (give or take..) mile tempo in the middle. The 1st 3 miles were around 7:05 pace (maybe), and the last 3 miles around 6:50 pace, maybe. I say maybe because I run with the Nike+ sportband which doesn’t do splits, so I have no idea how long it really took me to run it. I tried to make mental notes when I started the tempo, when I switched up paces, and when I finished…but my mind was spent focusing on finishing and keeping my pace!

Nike+ Sportband

The Nike+ Sportband is pretty accurate, to a point. It works for me…I generally have a good feel for my pace and can go off the time when I’m doing normal runs. I’m not too concerned if I do 7.21 or 7.43 miles a day. It all averages out over time. Sometimes I think about buying a Garmin, but I might get too pace-obsessed. Also $$$! But certainly would be helpful for workouts. Times like these I miss training at Valley Green with each .5 mile marked. Never thought I’d say I miss that out & back run we used to do at ‘Nova…but I DO!

Forbidden Drive, AKA Valley Green

The tempo, though, was great. I felt like I was really working. The pace was really hard the last mile, and my calves were burning. The 1st 3 miles were a bit around the Lower Loop of Central Park and up Cat Hill to the Reservoir…the 2nd 3 miles were just 2 loops of the inner reservoir loop…so at least all flat and dirt..but had to some major people dodging. I also was tempoing at like, 8 at night..but running in the dark was rather nice, when I wasn’t tripping into holes.

I also think it’s amusing when I would go by someone, at a clearly decent clip, and they’d try to pick up their pace to stay with me. I’m all for pushing yourself and sometimes needing a little something to get you going, but I could tell a lot of the guys had their egos a bit bruised that a girl was passing them. They’d sprint up, and about 20 seconds later they’d be nowhere in sight. I hate playing cat and mouse like that! Stressful.

When I got home, I tried making a protein shake with some vanilla soy protein powder I bought from Trader Joe’s. It was actually pretty good! I made it with ice, yogurt and blueberries. Can’t wait to try new combinations…great refueling drink!

My legs were really beat this morning. I just did an easy 5 to shake out, it was nice. I have a big day planned for tomorrow: 15 miles. Yes, a new longest run! And yes, I’m doing it before work. As much as that sucks, I’m going to the beach for Labor Day Weekend with friends and there is no way I’m running that long when I could be having fun. And now I’ll get it out of the way!

I am planning to run from my apartment on the Upper West Side, down Riverside Park/West Side Highway, down through Battery Park City, around the tip of lower Manhattan, and up the East River path..up to my office on 45th St. I left clothes to change in to, so I will grab my clothes and go shower at the NYSC before heading into the office.

We’ll see if I make it through all 1 hour and 55 minutes of running. I am bringing my MetroCard…just in case I die. And need public transportation to rescue my legs immediately. Which is very, very likely with a high of 95 tomorrow.

I can do it! See you tomorrow…maybe.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Marc permalink
    September 1, 2010 9:16 am

    I ran at valley green on sunday. man, the memories came pouring out!

    Bring a gu or a gel or a few for your long run. it’ll give you a bit of a’ll feel better about being out there for 2 hours if you take something at 50 or so minutes 🙂


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