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Healthy Kidney 10K Recap

May 16, 2011

This weekend’s Healthy Kidney 10K in Central Park left me with mixed feelings. Overall, it wasn’t a bad race by any means, I just am a bit too hard on myself when I know I could do better. I definitely wasn’t in “race mode” for this one and it showed…but then again, that was to be expected as I mentally positioned this as a good effort/workout before this Saturday’s Brooklyn Half-Marathon. So, let’s focus on the positive and negatives. Ali did this for her race recap and I found myself better able to sort through Saturday’s effort using a similar approach!


  • I ran 40:36; this is a success considering I set a low standard for myselfof just running under 42
  • I broke out an old pair of training flats I had forgotten about, and loved them for the 10K distance
  • I felt really good on the first 3 miles of rolling hills in Central Park on the west drive. Maybe too good, but I was able to drive up the hills without losing my stride. Hills are usually one of my weak areas, and I felt OK!
  • Despite a pretty terrible 4th mile, I regained my focus and was able to get back in the rhythm and finish in a positive note, rather than bagging the entire race because I had one bad mile.
  • I was the 9th female finisher, and 2nd in my age group behind an Ethiopian who was the 1st female finisher. I know this race didn’t have a women’s prize purse so not many of the top runners competed, but kinda made me feel bada$$ to be one of the top 10 women!
  • Mary Wittenberg, president and CEO of NYRR, personally congratulated me at the finish, saying “Wow, great race– that’s awesome to run under 41 minutes!” Yes, Mary, yes it is. Thanks for making me feel like a rockstar πŸ™‚

Negatives/”Areas for Improvement”

  • I was NOT amped up to run this. I didn’t feel like I was racing the week towards it, and didn’t really have the adrenaline at the starting line like I should have
  • Maybe I took the west drive hills a bit too fast, because I DIED the 4th mile. I dropped from 6:22, 6:23 and 6:27 pace to a whopping 6:55. My arms and legs felt light, as if not enough oxygen was getting in. I actually wanted to stop running and catch my breath at one point. I think I need to get better about taking my iron supplements.
  • If I didn’t bomb my 4th mile, I feel like I could have broken 40 minutes. The last mile I didn’t have as strong a kick since I wasn’t close to breaking any time barrier. If sub-40 was in sight, I’d like to think I could have really driven home a bit better.
  • Remember when I ran a 10K solo “tempo” by myself, at night, in the wind? In 40:26? Yeah, I ran slower in a race than a solo workout effort. I know I was in really great shape then, before a half-marathon PR, but…it’s hard not to compare. But, I did run the course the opposite direction so maybe clockwise is harder? πŸ™‚

Anyways, onward and upward to the Brooklyn Half next weekend. Fingers crossed the perpetual rain forecast in NYC stops by Saturday morning. I want to enjoy my Saturday afternoon at Coney Island. I have never been before and am pretty excited πŸ™‚

Anyways, here’s a few pics from race morning, along with some weird pre-race superstitions.

I *always* sleep in my race outfit the night before. I find this makes it a bit more comfortable to run in the next day, and cuts down time getting ready in the morning, and ensures I don’t forget anything! People probably think this is weird, but works for me. I wait to pin my bib on until the morning of, of course. The one time in college I decided to pack my singlet instead of wearing it to the meet since it was a tad humid in the morning, I left it in the hotel room and had to borrow someone elses. Never again! (PS- ignore the fact the flash is taking over my entire face in this photo. Whoops!)

I still wear my lucky Villanova ribbons. A few girls on the team introduced these cute blue ribbons for a few races, and I wore mine every single race. And I still do. Makes me feel fast and a bit pretty πŸ™‚

I have to drink coffee before races! Even if this means waking up a tad earlier to get my french press going, I need some caffeine. It’s probably mental. Before every track race in high school, I had to have a medium Dunkin Donuts french vanilla coffee and an O’Bagel Cinnamon Raisin bagel with walnut raisin cream cheese. If the bus left super early in the morning and I couldn’t get there beforehand, I’d get it the night before and reheat. True story.

And I think that’s it, for now. I noticed these quirks in my prep for Saturday’s 10K, but assure you there are probably dozens more.

What pre-race rituals do you have? How do you analyze your race efforts?Β  I also have eaten the same chicken salad from Josie’s before the last 2 NYC Half-Marathons and before the NYC Marathon. It is light but filling with a great blend of proteins, fats, and carbs. I might find myself there again this Friday evening before Brooklyn! I think focusing on the positives and negatives is a great way to see what you did well, and what you can improve upon for next time. That’s the great thing with running, there is always room to improve and perfect!

19 Comments leave one →
  1. May 16, 2011 1:12 pm

    I think you are amazing, and just being able to recognize the high and low points of your performance makes this a successful race. Second in your age group is INCREDIBLE. You inspire me. You’re going to rock Brooklyn this weekend β€”Β and maybe we’ll actually meet in person! I’ll be a few corrals behind you πŸ˜‰ Congratulations!

  2. May 16, 2011 1:32 pm

    okay, so maybe you found some areas where you’d like to improve, but…. holy cow woman! You are fast!!! Congrats on the 2nd place AG and top 10 finish!! That’s absolutely awesome!! Good luck on Saturday. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!!

  3. May 16, 2011 2:49 pm

    I admire you for calling out the positives AND negatives BUT I just can’t find much fault with your rocking performance!! Top 2 in your age group? That’s insane. You were kind of my hero before but now you’re “officially” my hero. Congrats πŸ™‚ hehe

    Rituals? I too must have coffee or sometimes Starbucks black iced tea. It depends. Before the marathon, I bought a Starbucks iced tea the night before since it was too early to get it race day. Ended up going with the coffee but I was glad I had it just in case. I also watch a cheesy sports film before a really big one. Favorites are Rudy, The Rookie and For Love of the Game.

    Again, congrats. I am no fortune teller but I sense that you will have a very successful Brooklyn Half Marathon πŸ˜‰

  4. May 16, 2011 4:22 pm

    Nice race, Lindsay! That 4th mile is always such a killer, but it seems like you picked yourself right back up! And seriously, top 10 and a congrats from Mary W is pretty awesome in my book. Congrats!

    I love your superstitions. Surprisingly, I don’t have many besides laying my stuff out the night before. But I must visit the porto potty at least once before a race, even if I don’t really have to pee. Weird.

  5. May 16, 2011 4:38 pm

    I am convinced that the 4th mile of the Central Park 10k is long (hehe, even if it’s not true…) I always slow down on those back hills!

    I love reading about other people’s pre-race superstitions – I also MUST have coffee before I race. No ifs, ands, or butts about it πŸ™‚

    Congrats on being in the top 10!!!

  6. Meggie permalink
    May 16, 2011 5:23 pm

    Awesome job! Top 10 is legit!

    I TOTALLY think Central Park clockwise is MUCH HARDER than counterclockwise for several reasons. First, the hill up to the resevoir from the lake is long and I prefer that as a nice long downhill (preferably to the finish of a race). Then, you have to do 2 hills at the top of the park (Harlem and “Snake”). Then, after you get up snake hill there is a slight uphill grade from there to the reservoir — you don’t get your true downhill til Cat Hill. This is why I always runs counterclockwise unless forced to in a race!

    And, I definitely am pretty hard on myself, too. For example, 21 marathon PR that wasn’t a BQ = FAILURE!!! I realize its not, but its how I felt for a while. Running the mini 10k in a few weeks and cant decide if I want to “try” or “not try” so that way I wont be upset when I don’t do well.

  7. May 16, 2011 7:08 pm

    Congrats on the AG win! That’s awesome.

    I have a few little pre-race and pre-regular-run rituals. Mine also include drinking coffee pre-run, and always racing in something hot pink. Totally stealing this for a blog topic later! πŸ™‚

  8. May 17, 2011 1:00 am

    You ARE a bad ass! Holy speedy and congrats on the 2nd place!

  9. May 17, 2011 12:47 pm

    Awesome race, Lindsay! I would be thrilled to ever be able to run that time! I understand what you mean about the mixed feelings. Sometimes not being in “race mode” makes a big difference, so the fact that you still placed 9th is pretty awesome! I’m sure thinking about this race will add a little fuel to your fire for the next race πŸ™‚ Great job!!

  10. May 18, 2011 10:21 am

    you did sooooo well! OMG 9th female finisher??? that’s amazing! i’m definitely there with you though on knowing you can run faster. i’m hard on myself too and hate myself for it sometimes! but you should be totally proud of yourself πŸ™‚

    hope you’re having a great week!

  11. May 18, 2011 3:08 pm

    Wow – what an amazing time. So inspiring! I think sometimes the races that you feel “off” are the ones that surprise you the most, since you have 0 pace expectations. I bet you will rock Brooklyn…I’ll be there too!

  12. May 18, 2011 9:22 pm

    Awesome job on the race! You totally rocked it:)

  13. May 19, 2011 8:20 am

    Top ten women is so cool!! Congrats lady! Are you running the Mini 10k?? I’ve only ran one 10k in my life, but I think I might try for sub-40…….ahhh! I could use a running buddy. πŸ™‚

  14. July 10, 2011 8:37 pm

    Hope to find someone like you in our Run, Kidney, Run event! LOL congratulations! Ü


  1. Race Week & Piriformis Syndrome! « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  2. Brooklyn Half-Marathon Recap « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  3. Exciting Work News & A Love/Hate Relationship « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  4. NYRR Mini 10K Recap « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  5. Happy 1st Birthday, Run Linds Run! « Run, Lindsay, Run!

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