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1:24:23 – NYC Half-Marathon 2011 Recap

March 23, 2011

Finally, the long-anticipated NYC Half-Marathon Recap!

Where do I begin? I finished! And I rocked it in 1:24:23! It was a great way to kick off my birthday (did I mention Sunday was also the big 2-4?) and made it totally worth delaying the drunken celebrations to the following weekend and going to bed at 10pm 🙂

I had a few key learnings that may help recap my experience of this race:

  • Keep it low-key & set low standards (haha, really): Going into this race, my B goal was to run around 1:28 and my A goal was to run around 1:27:30. When I realized was running a bit faster than goal pace in the early miles, I had to do some mental pep talk to not freak out that I’d crash and die later on. Once I saw I was maintaining and feeling strong through 10K, I decided to keep rolling with it and staying steady. The turning point was at 9 miles when I realized I could likely run around 1:25 if I didn’t fade out too hard. This was so exciting and really kept me going since I was ahead of my goal. Sometimes its kind of really mental! If I set out to run a 1:25 from the get-go, I think I would have been disappointed and worried early on. Low standards for the win 🙂
  • Fuel before your body shows signs of needing it: I knew there would be gels between 9 and 10 miles, but by the time I got there last year (I had never taken a gel before last years race), I think my body was already feeling it and I had nothing to give the final miles. This year, I packed my own gel to take right after the 10K mark which propelled me through much of the 2nd half; either mentally or physically, it worked. I also took a gel at the 9.5 station but really hated whatever brand it was-kinda gritty/pulpy and too thick so I could only take half of it.
  • I just can’t master water stops: I need to work on how to effectively grab water cups and take them without slowing to a walk, spilling all over myself, and choking as I drink/gasp for air. Any tips? Run laps up and down the block with a mock water station to practice? Hah.
  • Enjoy the moment! Sometimes I get so caught up in hitting splits I forget to enjoy the fact that I’m running through amazing places like Central Park and Times Square! As I headed down 7th Ave I finally gazed up and got those little butterflies of enjoyment. We wouldn’t do this if there wasn’t some joy in it, right? I also dropped a 5:45 minute mile through Times Square; I know 7th Ave is a long, slight decline but I also know it was because I was actually having FUN!

Here are my (approximate) mile splits using Garmin with self-splitting each mile. Miles 10 and 11 are all screwed up since I thought I missed the 10 mile mark but actually hadn’t gotten there yet and pressed it too early-whoops!

6:27 pace overall; disregard miles 10 and 11

Happy to see I definitely had fuel in the tank left to majorly drop the pace the last 2 (.1) miles, definitely was psyched up to break the 1:25 barrier.

And some fun race shots!

Laura & I picking up bibs at the Expo

Race morning: ready to go!

Mom and I after the finish!

Steve, Laura & I post-race! Go NOVA!

Dan, Steve, me and Laura post-race; The Villanova contingent

And lovely birthday flowers from Dan & my Sister 🙂

What’s your favorite part of a race? Do you take in the scenery or get too caught up in the moment? I need to do a better job at this, would probably help me take my mind off the pain! I am excited to rest and recover a bit this week, and then it’s on to training for the Brooklyn Half-Marathon on 5/21!

17 Comments leave one →
  1. March 23, 2011 10:22 am

    Amazing! Congratulations on an incredible race — and Happy Belated Birthday! Thanks for sharing your race tips. You’re a total inspiration. I also love that you’re checking your watch in your finish line photo. So funny.

  2. March 23, 2011 10:29 am

    Great Race! I too dropped a fast split in Times Square, its that downhill!
    I think we may have been running along side each other at some point too.
    and Happy Birthday, what a great way to celebrate.

    My favorite part of the race is the competition and speed. I do take in scenery at certain times, like I was watching the sun glimmer in the trees while we ran by the reservoir Sunday.

  3. March 23, 2011 10:32 am

    Awesome job and happy belated b-day!

    I’ve done dozens of races in Central Park (my last one is this Sunday, sniff, tear!), so I don’t really focus on “taking in the scenery” anymore haha. I also need to master the art of water stops…I think I just stopped completely when I needed water/fuel during the last few miles of the NYC marathon last fall, but the difference between my watch time and official time was only about nine seconds.

  4. March 23, 2011 11:15 am

    Great job on the race! I live in NY and didnt even know this race was going on…Im not quite the runner, not yet anyways 🙂

  5. amanda marino permalink
    March 23, 2011 12:31 pm

    Lindsay I love your positive outlook, you are such an inspiration!! You’re making me way too excited for post-collegiate running! Amazing job in NY and best wishes for a great spring 🙂

  6. March 23, 2011 2:24 pm

    Great tips! I’m going to use them in my marathon this weekend 🙂 You are my running hero – I know I’ll never run as fast as you, but you write about running in a way that everyone can relate. Thank you for sharing! Best of luck in your next race!


  7. March 23, 2011 4:55 pm

    Dude, you are awesome. You looked so relaxed when I saw you at the 10K! Great recap and race (do you see Adam Goucher looking at you in your first race photo? Maybe it’s just me since I basically stalked him that day…) I definitely don’t take in scenery during a race enough – that’s a great point. Especially when running here, you know?

  8. movesnmunchies permalink
    March 23, 2011 5:12 pm

    HOLY MOLY!! YOU ARE SO SO FAST- congrats!

  9. March 23, 2011 11:23 pm

    OMG – YOU ARE MY HERO!!!! Congrats on the amazing time and happy belated birthday!

  10. March 24, 2011 1:05 am

    Wow, what a birthday present! I agree about surprising yourself come race day. I also am a fan of negative splitting if possible. Couldn’t agree more about nutrition – too many people wait too long whether it be a marathon or half marathon. As for your question re: scenery, when I’m zoned in, I don’t notice anything else around me.

  11. March 25, 2011 8:45 am

    Awesome race, lady! Pretty sure I spotted you out there. I’m terrible at water stops, but I’ve found that if I grab a cup, pinch it, and drink from it slowly (instead of trying to chug it quickly), more of it ends up in my mouth than over my shirt. Later in the marathon game I usually take to water when I drink since I lose whatever coordination I started with.

    Adam Goucher is so checking you out in that first picture! Now you’re famous. Running through Times Square would be awesome…gotta do this race next year. 🙂

    Congrats again and happy belated!

  12. March 27, 2011 1:55 pm

    HOLY COW!!! YOU DID AMAZING!!! You looked gorgeous doing it too and I am so happy that you had FUN!!!! 5:45 mile….WOW!!! YOU GO GIRL!


  1. Race Week & Piriformis Syndrome! « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  2. Brooklyn Half-Marathon Recap « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  3. 2011 Goals, Revisted « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  4. 2011 Goals, Mid-year Check-in « Run, Lindsay, Run!
  5. Happy 1st Birthday, Run Linds Run! « Run, Lindsay, Run!

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